Comm. Outreach 推廣目標

One of our goals at FFDY is to provide information that all parents or caretakers of disabled youths should know.  As such, we hold seminars regarding various topics deemed essential to all involved in the care of the physically and mentally disabled.  Presented by our partnering disabled care law Attorneys Stephen Huang and Matthew Pope, our seminars provide the best and most up to date information on the featured topic.  Past seminar topics have included IHSS/SSI and Regional Center, IPP and the proposed legislation AB1244.  We strive to offer these seminars as frequently as possible and always welcome input into what topic in disabled care to address next.

我們在FFDY的目標是提供所有的父母在照顧殘疾青年應該知道的信息。正因為如此,我們認為舉辦各種主題的研討會對所有參與身體和精神殘疾的照顧者是不可少的。我們與保健法律師黃思賢和馬修​​教皇合作主辦研討會提供最好和最新相關的主題。在過去的研討會中包括IHSS的/ SSI和區域中心,IPP和建議的法例AB1244。總之我們會盡力經常舉辦研討會提出重要的訊息及解決的方法同時歡迎提出照顧殘疾人的所需信息。