2022 Dec. Greetings

2022 7/23 Outdoor Activities

Let me introduce our friend. Thanks Los Angeles Royal Lions Club.

2021 Dec. Merry Christmas!

2021 9/11 Angel’s covenant, let love fly fundraiser

There is warmth, and love in the world. At the commemorative event on September 11, 2021. Chairman Mo and President Huang… Invite major Chinese Lions clubs to devote their efforts, manpower and financial resources, and selflessly help and care for the disabled groups in the community, and truly “the angel’s covenant, let love fly.” Thank you all!

2021 5/4 Thanks MYZ Financial & Insurance Services Support

5/4/2021 感謝MYZ Financial & Insurance Services 的Mr. Bruce Yu Chen 夫婦多次捐贈KN95 口罩給天使之家的家庭。 謝謝您們的愛心。

2021 1/22 感謝Peter牧師的捐助

1/22/2021 感謝Peter牧師的Hope 教會捐款$1000,消毒洗手液、手電筒。國際獅子會D4-L2GMT的莫主席捐贈共120盒的成人及小孩口罩。 謝謝您們的愛心。

2016 1/11 Donation from Edison Chinese Connection

2014 6/22 Special Thanks

Dear All:

We had a great time on 6/14 Father’s Day.

It is very thankful for Jennifer Wu, Lady Tsai , and their friends for providing supplies and leading everyone in fun activities and made differences. We are so blessed to have their loves. Many Thanks!


2013 9/21 Thank You Letter